I will make no secret of the the fact that I love circle time! My center still does circle everyday. I know that a lot if ECEs hate circle time but I love it! The kids in my classes also love circle time. They beg for circle and if I sit down with my story box they will mostly drop what they are doing to come see what I am going to do.
I generally have a loose "theme" planned (by planned I mean I have stuffed that stuff in the circle box with the other stuff) for circle but really I do what they kids want. Most of the time I let the kids take turns picking what to do next. I always have lots to choose from at each circle. Some stuff is old favorite that never go away and some of it is new stuff that I rotate in and out. Since the kids in my group are of varying ages and developmental levels and I sometimes limit the number of choices and sometimes I let them dig through the circle box.
Some people are a fan of choice boards for circles. They are a good tool but I just don't like them. It all goes back to the days of digging through the treasure chest at the restaurant. It may take a long time to make a choice but I always loved looking over all the choices and digging to the bottom to see what else was in there. So I let the kids dig through the story box. Sometimes it doesn't work for certain children and then I work it out with them individually.
I like to tailor my circles to what the children are interested in. If they pick Old McDonald puppets everyday I will put some more farm animal things in there. If they don't pick the frogs for a couple weeks I will take them out until later. I think this way the circles become more emergent. I never go into the circle with a plan of what we are going to do. I remember when I first started doing circle I used to plan them out to the minute. I knew what songs I would sing, what activities, and in what order. It was a disaster! I always planned too many things. I got stressed when the kids either hates something or want to see it over and over again (cause, duh, the timeline!) but then I stopped. I stopped planning and started following the kids and it was magic. All of a sudden this circle time that I hated was one of my favorite times of the day!
I do follow a sort of outline . . .
1) good morning song with actions
2)kids pick an activity
3)kids pick an activity
4)kids pick an activity
5) circle time is over song
My circles last anywhere from 10 -20 minutes. Someday they kids are not feeling it so we end early and go outside. Someday they are begging me to keep going when I say it is time to stop. I like to go with their mood on this. So, that means that the number of kid selected activities changes. Some activities take longer and some take less time so it changes how many we can do. I try not to get hung up on the numbers.
I also think that it is important to take one or two turns for myself to introduce new things sometimes. I usually take a turn to introduce each book or activities for one or two circles. If, after that, the kids don't start picking it on their own I usually put it away until later.
I always start and end my circles they same way. That way the kids all know when circle is starting. They know what the expectations are and they know what is about to happen. I find that the routine makes for easier circles and everyone quiets down and listens quicker. I end it for the same way too. Depending on the day they either want to move on or keep going but the end of circle song tells them it is over. The song I sing tells them what we are going to do next. The songs as warning at the beginning and end seems to make for easier transitions in and out of circle.
I am very enthusiastic about my circle. They are full of loud noises and actions. I also try to use visual for almost everything. The felt board and finger puppets are my favorites to make and use. The more excited you are about what you are presenting the more excited the kids will be. For that reason, I only offer materials to the kids that I like and can stand to read or preform a hundred times! I read every book back to front before I show it to the kids. I preform every song to my dogs before I share it with my class. If I hate it then I simply don't do it. Yes, circle is for the kids but I have to be there too! I figure that if I hate it then it will show with the kids and they will end up not liking it either. Or, they will love it and I will be miserable. I believe that everyone needs to like circle not just the teacher or the kids!
So to sum up . . .
1) follow the kids lead, do what they like
2) don't get hung up on time or numbers just let it all go
3) adjust for individual needs instead of running your circle for the majority whenever possible
4)don't be insulted if they kids are not into something you brought or made. The next group of kids will probably love it
5) Keep the beginning and end the same each time
Bonus: if you enjoy it, so will the kids!
A lot of the stuff I post on here is going to be about circle time and the materials I make for it. Since I love circle time I end up making lots of different things for it!